Happy New Year

It’s been a while. I fully intended to write this New Year’s Day but as usual other “stuff” became the priority. That’s ok. I’m writing now.

I wrote so frequently when I was going through what I lovingly referred to as geriatric hell with my parents. It was quite cathartic to find some humor in the experience. With their passing came a void that I didn’t expect.

Much of my creativity, be it humor or art, seems to have been an escape from stressful situations. I think it’s time to find the humor, art and beauty in the good things in life.

This is going to be my year of appreciation.  What I have learned over the past year is that I have everything I could ever want.  I am blessed beyond measure. My husband, children and grandchildren are the light of my life. I have a wonderful extended family that includes siblings, nieces, nephews and dear friends who enrich my life every day.

Where does all this come from? Once upon a time one of the very wise Nuns I had in school told us “Life is a Terminal Condition”. When you are a kid, you don’t get that statement. Loosing parents and friends over the past few years and having a brief illness of my own has brought it home. So I’m not going to sweat the small stuff. I intend to live each day to the fullest and live it with gratitude. For any one of us, today could be the last. Doesn’t matter how young, how old, how healthy. There are no guarantees other than here and now. So why not live and appreciate each day and each person we are blessed to have in it to the fullest of our ability?

I’d like this blog to become more interactive. So I ask you to share what you are grateful for.

Later this week look for things to do over the weekend.


2 responses to “Happy New Year

  1. Well said, Kathy Happy new year I can relate to everything you said.  My mom isn’t doing very well so I’ll be experiencing that loss in a matter of time I’m sure.  God bless you Hugs Gloria

    Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

  2. Sometimes when we are stuck in the moment it is so hard to remember what is important. Thank you for the reminder. In the end it is all “small stuff!”

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